
  • Identify potential threats
  • Assess risk levels
  • Develop an integrated plan
  • Establish mechanisms of action for any threat of fraud in the supply chain
  • Includes real practice sessions and the best videos in the course


Interpret the requirements established by FDA-FSMA, GFSI, PAS 96 AND ORGANIZATION ON FOOD FRAUD for the development and implementation of a program for a correct vulnerability assessment (VACCP) and a mitigation plan at the time of an economically motivated adulteration (fraud ) to food and that may affect the health of the consumer.


-Economically Motivated Adulteration

-Objectives / Scope / Application – Videos

-Differences with Food Defense


-FDA-FSMA regulation

-FDA Food Safety Modernization Act 111-353 (FSMA)

-SEC 106. Prevention against intentional adulteration

-SEC 103. Risk Based Preventive Controls Rule

-Role of the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI)

-Importance in the food industry – Includes Videos

-Roles and responsibilities of the management for compliance – Includes Videos

-Potential threats in the food industry – Includes Videos

-Interpretation based on the requirements of FSSC 22000

-Additional requirement

-FSSC 22000-Audit Requirement)

-Implementation of the Food Fraud Program (Practical Session)

-Vulnerability Assessment in a Food Factory (VAFF) – “New Food Fraud Tool”

-Development of an integrated mitigation plan

-Development of the Action Plan based on the result of the evaluation

-Records Management / Audits

-The participant receives a diploma for their full attendance to the session and / or certificate after exam approval

-Proof of work skills DC-3 (STPS)

  • Time

16 hours

  • Schedule

Day 1: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm

Day 2: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm

* Consult place and date of availability


This is a course with a 16-hour session that will describe the relationship between food safety and intentional adulteration of food for fraudulent purposes or economic reasons through unethical behavior in the senior management’s consent to benefit from food sales. With a doubtful formulation. As well as its regulatory implications and impact on the market due to the level of trust that the consumer has and its implementation under the criteria of FSMA and FSSC 22000.

Suggested to

  • Responsible for the Food Safety program
  • Production Supervisors
  • Directors and Managers
  • Shopping
  • Investigation and development
  • Managers and Heads of Quality and Safety
  • Universities

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