Our Auditing service recognized by major brands of consumer goods factories in Latin America for the level of rigor and demand in its application will help your company to meet the annual program of internal audits under different standard criteria.
Regardless of your management system, related to quality, safety, productivity or engineering programs, we have highly experienced consultants with a profile trained in industry and university that will support you in the implementation of your required programs on process floor.
Our renowned EDUCATION CENTER continues to grow in the market, becoming one of the most requested after by the level of experience that our team of instructors has, since they have worked for years in key positions on the production floor.
Do you export to the United States?
Global FS brings to your factory the suitable services so that you can properly implement FSMA that will let you to approval as an exporter under the regulation of Preventive Controls for Food for Human and Animal Consumption (PCHF-PCAF), Produce Safety (PS), Intentional Adulteration (IA) and Foreign Suppliers Verification Program (FSVP).